E.S. Matriculation School


With a team of dedicated teachers and supportive administration we are empowering students with knowledge and skill that can shape their destiny. Learn about our curriculum, methodology and philosophy of teaching.

Academic Year

The academic year is divided into three terms:

I Term – June to September
II Term – October to December
III Term – January to March


Our school offers a comprehensive and a well-structured curriculum coupled with a wide range of activities outside classrooms ensuring that each pupil grows and develops wherever his / her interest and talents may lie. Traditional as well as innovative educational methods with top-notch facilities, all combine to provide a unique rounded learning experience for boys and girls.

Teaching Methodology

The school follows the curriculum and syllabus of the Tamil Nadu Board upto Std X and Higher Secondary Board in Std XI and XII with English being the medium of instruction. Our innovative and inquiry based approach supports our pursuit of excellence in academics and paves way for the holistic development of the student.

Method of Evaluation

The progress of the students is evaluated on a regular basis through monthly and mid-term tests and the three terminal exams. Assignment and projects too are given to assess the students’ progression. Students are graded on their performance. Our dedicated and committed teachers promote and celebrate the success of every child.


Our school offers a comprehensive and a well-structured curriculum coupled with a wide range of activities outside classrooms ensuring that each pupil grows and develops wherever his / her interest and talents may lie. Traditional as well as innovative educational methods with top-notch facilities, all combine to provide a unique rounded learning experience for boys and girls.


At the primary level, the focus is on basic skill development in all subject areas. Here the students are provided with opportunities to engage in learning ignited by curiosity and driven by inquiry. It is a crucial stage for any kid who is like a little bud and when the teachers foster their talents effectively they blossom into beautiful flowers.


In this phase, the environment at school and the training given enable the children to be successful and innovative. It is the early adolescent age when they are more independent and have a sense of responsibility so they can be easily pushed to greater heights. By helping boys and girls mature in mind, body and spirit, our school aims to help them unlock and fully realise their true potential.


The aim of high school is to train students to become independent learners who can correlate school subject with the outside world and learn to combine relevant knowledge, experience and critical thinking to solve real-life problems.

The school puts in place a firm foundation for life by teaching them many life skills like time management, eloquent communication, self-discipline, accountability etc. that will prepare them for a changing world beyond school.


The following groups are offered in higher secondary.

The senior students of higher secondary have the mentorship and guidance of our competent teaching staff who prepare them for their next big step in life. Our boys and girls are well trained to handle diverse scenarios through life skills they have developed through learning and experience they have gained in our school.

Computer Science
Business Maths / Computer Applications

Philosophy of Teaching

“A teacher takes a Hand, opens a Mind and touches a Heart”

As committed teachers of E.S Matric Hr.Sec.School, we make learning a way of life and an enriching experience for our students by providing them a safe and healthy environment that would arouse and satiate their curiosity as well as motivate them to share their ideas. In such an environment where the mind is without fear, students become confident individuals that make them respectful and successful. This ultimately resonates through their academics and social life. In the process, our vision to Enjoy, Aspire and Achieve is fulfilled. Our teachers teach discipline and guide students in their multidirectional development. This is particularly important to our mission of empowering students with knowledge, skill, character and passion for learning so as to enable them to thrive as contributing citizens in a diverse and changing society. We leave no stone unturned to provide an evolving centre for a challenging, engaging and an authentic learning experience where not only individual learning needs are met but also talent is effectively nurtured. Through the different strategies like audio-visual, linguistic etc. that are employed, students are given ample exposure that make them future ready. Classroom interactions are significantly encouraged as they engage students in a meaningful learning experience and make the entire learning process smooth and easy.

Our skilled academic staff are exposed to workshops, training and development programmes which help teachers constantly upgrade themselves to live up to impeccable standards and offer students the best ever learning experience with a supportive and caring environment.

We are aware that the needs of children are changing at an extraordinarily fast pace; new challenges face them daily, and they need to be able to make sound, safe and well-informed decisions to enable a smooth transition into adulthood. We are always mindful that the issues they are facing are complex and wide-ranging, and there is enormous pressure on them to succeed and so we carefully equip them to face varied and tough situations of life.

Students look upto teachers as their role models and are constantly observing our every gesture and so we feel duty-bound to show acts of kindness and love while faithfully discharging our routine obligations. When this is done, we would soon find our watchful students mirroring our actions and our words and the result is that we have successfully helped build the character of an individual which is the core of his / her being.